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Omokoroa Cricket Club 2024 AGM

14 Aug 2024

The OCC AGM for 2024 was held on August 14th

We held our 2024 AGM on Wednesday August 14th at the Omokoroa Sports Pavilion.


AGM - 14TH AUGUST 2024



Paul Ensor (PE) - President

Mark Allen (MA) - Treasurer/Secretary

Paul Hansen (PH) - Junior Coordinator

Richard Gerrish (RG) - Senior Coordinator

Simon Bradley (SB) - Sponsor

David March (DM)

Ish Chatwani (IC)

Amit Parmar (AP)


Riki Walls

Meeting opened at 7:30pm

Minutes of the previous AGM

→ Last year's minutes were accepted as true and correct.

Moved by RG / PH Seconded

President’s report

Report provided by PE.

  • Reflection on previous season, and club awards

  • Acknowledgement and thanks to current committee members for the past year

  • Acknowledgement of sponsors

Treasurer’s report

Report provided by MA.

  • 2023/24 junior season was close to being a net-zero operation, excluding the sponsorship funds

  • This will allow the club to use the sponsorship money to fund the purchase of a new set of junior playing shirts

→ Finance report to be accepted for year end 31st July 2024

Moved by MA / Seconded by RG

→ Approval given for grants applications on behalf of the club for both junior and senior (if playing application is granted) team equipment

Moved by RG / Seconded by MA

Election of Patron (if necessary), the Auditor (if necessary) and Committee members

No requirement for Patron.

No requirement for an Auditor. 

Election of Committee Members

The following persons were elected into the following roles:

President - Paul Ensor

Treasurer / Secretary - Mark Allen

Junior Coordinator - Paul Hansen

Senior Coordinator - Ish Chatwani

Committee Member - Richard Gerrish

Committee Member - Simon Bradley

Motions, as set out in the Notice of Meeting


General Business

2024/25 season dates for junior cricket

  • 2nd November 2024 - 14th December 2024 (7 weeks/games)

  • 8th February 2025 – 29th March 2025 (8 weeks/games)

Junior playing subs

  • Junior subs to remain at $120 for the season - will run an incentive for early registration (like the football club) - increase by $10 if registration after muster day.

Online registration and muster date

  • WBOPC has just opened up the Term 4 competition on Play HQ - PH to get the registration form open ASAP

  • Muster day to be Sunday 22nd September, in the afternoon (maybe 1-3pm)

  • PE to check with Karen from WBOPDC for sports field booking


  • Junior team sponsors confirmed to continue with Jarden Wealth, Bayleys (Riki Walls), Mount Capital and Sharp Tudhope for 2024 (2nd year of 3-year agreement)

  • MA to send invoices out ASAP

  • Senior team sponsors remain unchanged

Ordering of new Junior playing shirts

  • PH got 3 quotes for 65 x junior playing shirts - Paladin, Brand Addiction, Squad NZ

  • Paladin quote was cheapest and is the easiest admin

  • Paladin selected as preferred supplier

  • PH to place order before August 23rd for 65 shirts (6-week lead time)

ND regional fund grant

  • Omokoroa No.1 School (in partnership with the club) applied to the ND Cricket regional fund and were successful in being awarded $2994

  • Area where the cricket nets at the school are located will soon be used for new classrooms

  • Question whether or not it’s worth trying to upgrade the school nets

  • Perhaps use the grant for laying perforated rubber mats for the run up

  • PH to follow up with school principal and keep committee updated

Practice nets 

  • Since the new school (and possibly new sports fields on Prole Road) have been put on hold, we can rekindle the conversation with WBOPDC about practice nets on the bottom field of Western Ave

  • RG to restart conversation with Peter Watson WBOPDC

  • Question around whether or not senior players can use the practice nets at the school - PH to ask the principal

Website & costs

  • Website hosting and domain need to be renewed - cost is approx $250 per year

  • PH to action, and look into 2-year renewal if appropriate

Request made for the bowling machine to be returned to the lockup after use.

Meeting closed at 8:40pm

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